The Well Child Book
The Well Child Book
The Well Child Book, formerly known as the Plunket Book now considered the Baby Bible.
Sorting through the garage, I found amongst all the baby items I manged to keep after 4-5 house shifts was my son’s Plunket Book.
My youngest son is now 27 years old, so there was an aww moment, until I looked into it.
He was the third child, so the one that was basically dragged up. With two much older brothers he had more sleeps in the car than in his own bed, there was less time for photo moments or we just took less photos.
My biggest regret is the lack of writing I had put into it. I wish I had written more and more detail to what I had written.
I was talking to a colleague who has just had a. baby and her mum had just given her, her old plunket book.
She is amazed she survived, everything we were told to do back then is now considered not safe
or down right dangerous.
The new books are amazing the information in them now especially in childhood diseases have what we would have rung our mum’s for, because Google was a slow dial up back then
I wonder if in 30 years time , if we look back and see what practises we now deem safe are changed back or will we know more and gone forward to better practices
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